
Digital Bus

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Eco-Friendly MATBUS

Green facts about riding public transit!


For Earth Week, we wanted to share some green facts about riding MATBUS. When you ride public transportation, even just occasionally, you are helping to reduce the negative effect cars can have on the planet. Let's all do our part and go green!

Riding public transportation is one of the most effective ways to lower your personal carbon footprint.
Federal Transit Administration

Riding public transit reduces the nation’s carbon emissions by 37 million metric tons each year.
American Public Transportation Association

Public transportation supports compact land development, which reduces sprawl and keeps more land available for green spaces like parks and agriculture.
Federal Transit Administration

Public transportation usage saves the United States 4.2 billion gallons of gasoline per year.
American Public Transportation Association

Bus transit produces 33% less greenhouse gas emissions per passenger mile than an average private vehicle.
Federal Transit Administration

The more people ride public transit, the more cars are removed from the road, and the more effective it is at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Federal Transit Administration