
Go Green, Ride With Us

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Web Site Accessibility Policy


The MATBUS website is designed to be accessible to all users, regardless of disabilities and other special needs. Pages within this site are created and maintained, to the best of our ability, to be in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) recommendations for accessible websites. You may view these ADA recommendations online or in PDF format.


This policy provides a set of established design and maintenance guidelines for site design, creation of new web pages and the modification of current web pages within the MATBUS website.

Design Guidelines

  • Maintain a standard page layout and navigation method throughout the website.
  • Alternative text (ALT text) and/or captions will be provided with all pictures, graphics and links.
  • Use dark text on solid, light colored backgrounds to improve readability.
  • Provide a text only site map.
  • A direct link to ADA accessibility information will be placed on each page.
  • Provide transcripts with audio/video files whenever possible.
  • Text links will clearly indicate what the link is supposed to do. Links such as “click here” should not be used.
  • A skip navigation link will be provided.
  • Tables using row and column headers should be associated with data cells in HTML.

Maintenance Guidelines

  • An accessibility compliance scan will be completed regularly to detect Section 508 and WCAG 2.0 violations. Violations will be corrected to the best of our ability.
  • All updated and newly created web pages will be reviewed by the webmaster for compliance before being published to the live site.
  • Employees designated as website editors will be trained in the functions of the Content Management System (CMS) and in web accessibility tools and techniques.
  • Web pages will be tested periodically by disability groups for ease of use.