
Go Green, Ride With Us

Boarding Bus - New Large Hero Image 2024

Request a Bus Stop

Individuals who wish to request a bus stop may do so by filling out the form below, or by filling out our Designated Bus Stop Request Form. You may mail or deliver this form to the Metro Transit Garage (MTG) at 650 23rd St N, Fargo, ND 58102, or the Ground Transportation Center (GTC) at 502 NP Ave, Fargo, ND 58102.

If you choose to fill out the form below, please include the following:

1. Contact Information
2. Route number
3. Street (generally runs north/south)
4. Avenue (generally runs east/west)
5. City (Fargo, West Fargo, Moorhead, or Dilworth)
6. Location of stop (northwest corner, southeast corner, midblock, etc.)
7. If you are requesting the stop to accommodate a disability, please give a brief explanation.

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